The following form offers the most convenient and fastest way of making contact. Messages and queries submitted in this manner are read on the same day it is received, and are responded to immediately. If you leave the second field (»Your e-mail address«) blank, we can respond only if you provide some other contact information (telephone/fax number or postal address).
The Joseph Marx society is headquartered in Vienna. However, we request that initial contacts and inquiries pertaining to research, concert and artistic matters be made to the founder and General Secretary of the Society, Berkant Haydin, who resides in Germany.
Please use the contact form above.
Berkant Haydin has built up an archive that consists of a comprehensive collection of recordings and a library of documents pertaining to the life and work of Joseph Marx; he conducts negotiations and discussions with CD producers, artists, orchestras and promoters; and he continues to manage the comprehensive Marx website
Web Production (webdesign and programming): |
![]() Freelance media designer Web & Print |
Oliver Prygotzki, Munich oliver-jmg@ *SPAMKILLER* |
© Joseph Marx Society
URL:, Stand 15.03.2020 14:47:24